This is a list of the main tools that I use for web Development. While I will occasionally use other resources, these are the ones I use on a regular basis.
Sublime Text
My favorite code editor. Having look at and used many other code editors, sublime text is the editor I use for 99.9% of my work. It strikes the right balance between basic text editor and full blown development environment. With the robust plug-ins available, you can customize it to provide the functions you need without the the overhead and clutter of the things you don't need or want.
Speaking of plug-ins for sublime text, here are the ones I think are essential:
- Package Control - Install this first. Package control allows you to download, install, and manage all your other plug-ins with ease. It's like npm for node.js or apt-get in Ubuntu. It should be the first stop when adding plug-ins to sublime text. Get it here.
- Emmet - The fastest way to code HTML & CSS. Works with editors besides sublime text. View the demo
- SideBarEnhancements - Provides enhancements for working with files in sublime text. Find, move, copy, delete files right from within the sidebar. You can copy file paths, encode images as data:uri base64, and a whole lot more. Install with Package Control.
- SublimeLinter - In-line code checking while you work. The fast, easy way to quality control your code. Install with Package Control.
- GIST - allows you to create code snippets that can be saved to and retrieved from GIT hubs GISTs. Great for storing and sharing reusable code through github. Install with Package Control.
- Code Highlighting - There are a number of languages supported by the built in code highlighting in sublime text, but for those that it doesn't support natively, you can install a package that will cover whatever language your coding in. I have installed packages for SASS, HTML5, jQuery, and more. Just look in Package control to find what you need.
Please don't think this is in any way a comprehensive list of sublime text plug-ins, there are literally hundreds of packages that cover a wide range of capabilities. Please note as well that a lot of these packages can be used with other editors (like text-mate), if sublime text isn't right for you.
I develop on the Mac and so I need a local web server to work with. MAMP Pro is my choice for a simple local web server setup. MAMP (Mac, Apache, MySql, PHP) is super simple to setup and configure and is solid and stable. The latest version (V3) has added support for python and perl. They are now available on windows as well. Check them out here.
Code Kit
I used to use grunt.js to automate code compiling, auto-browser refreshes, file concatenation and minification, but not anymore. The latest version of code kit (v2) does everything I need and more. In addition to all the tasks above, it can install and manage packages using bower, which is built in. It has its own built in basic web server, but works with MAMP for more advanced capabilities. And it does all this from a simple GUI interface, no command line needed. Watch the demo video here.
SASS / Compass
SASS or Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets is an extension of CSS that adds innumerable capabilities to CSS, like the use of variables, nested rules, mixins, and in-line imports. It makes coding CSS fast and easy, and more importantly, it makes it easy to make changes. You can get SASS here. Compass is a framework for use in SASS. They have built the code that you would have built using SASS, and packaged it for you. You can learn more about Compass here.
GIT / Tower
Tower is a GUI interface for GIT. It makes using GIT and accessing github easy. If you didn't know, GIT is used for software version control. If your coding, but haven't used version control software, drop what your doing and take a look at GIT here. Once you have that sorted, Tower is the best GUI interface for GIT. Check out the screen cast here.
VMWare Fusion
VMWare Fusion is what I use to run virtual machines. I can download various versions of Windows and Internet Explorer from modern.IE and run them in VMWare Fusion for testing. I can also install and configure a Linux web server if I need a special configuration for a project. It's my indispensable tool for cross platform testing. Get it here.
Adobe Creative Cloud
For content creation, nobody beats Adobe and with the Adobe Creative Cloud Master Collection, you have everthing you need to create content for the web, or any other design project. Check it out here.